Disko fra Cappelen Damm is an online streaming platform for learning, aimed at high-school students and teachers.
By launch, August 2022, the platform held curriculum for four subjects; German, social studies, physical education and geography. Including lesson plans for the academic year, and content such as reading texts, videos, quizzes, writing assignments etc. The platform is made to be responsive and thrive to be mobile friendly.
Read more about Atomic content — how we hacked a design concept to create a flexible educational platform on Medium.

Disko's landing page, pre-sign in.
The process of design has been an iterative one. Hypotheses, testing, design, user interviews, testing, design, hypothesis testing, and so on.
Eivor was part of the team conducting user interviews with both high-school students and teachers alike. One person took notes, and another conducted the interview. Afterwards, the findings of the interviews were anonymised and Eivor wrote the report concluding successes, challenges, and areas to improve, and presented this to the team.
Screen recording from desktop of "send to students"-functionality for teachers.
Screen recording from mobile of "send to students"-functionality for teachers.

Eivor was part of the team who redesigned the statistics pages.
Project goals:
Specify one or more dashboards for teachers that will:
1. Give a good overview of student work
2. Overview of student work for both assignments and text (quantitative and qualitative)
3. Support teacher feedback to students
4. Usable for the full audience (primary, secondary, and high-school teachers) or adaptable to each audience segment.
Screen recording of the new statistics view for teachers.

You can follow the designteam of Cappelen Damm on Medium and the Editorial team on Instagram.