The Annual New York Cares Coat Drive, now in its 29th year, is New York Cares’ flagship program and one of New York City’s most recognizable charitable events. Each year New York Cares urges residents to donate new or gently used winter coats, or dollars, to provide for New Yorkers in need. Elevating the mobile-focused call to action “Text to Give,” resulted in a record-breaking 100,000 coats collected and distributed in 2017. The campaign ran in all of New York City’s five boroughs and surrounding areas, including skyscraper locations at Times Square.

Eivor was in charge of creating the event branding, as well as executing the design. She produced print ads, digital ads, promotional materials, and videos for Times Square screens among other locations. Eivor was part of the team brainstorming the campaign and she executed every part of the campaign from start to finish.